Manpreet Makhija
Manpreet Makhija 18 May, 2020 | 0 mins read
Priyani verma
Priyani verma 17 May, 2020 | 0 mins read
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indu inshail
indu inshail 17 May, 2020 | 1 min read

तुम मेरी सहेली

A Best female friend in life matters a lot. I experienced her presence who changed my attitude and boost my confidence when I was feeling low in my life. A BFF is only a sister from another mother.

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Shelly Gupta
Shelly Gupta 17 May, 2020 | 1 min read

गुड टच, बैड टच

Importance of making child aware about good and bad touch. #ichallengeyou #parenting #7

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Priyani verma
Priyani verma 17 May, 2020 | 1 min read
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Shelly Gupta
Shelly Gupta 17 May, 2020 | 0 mins read

उफ्फ ये बच्चों के प्रश्न

How to handle all the questions your child throw at you? #ichallengeyou #parenting #8

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Ragghi 17 May, 2020 | 0 mins read

अपना ही घर तब पराया सा लगता है

कैसा महसूस होता है जब कोई बच्चा घर से दूर रहता है और छुटी बिताने अपने घर आता है।

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