Manu jain
इक आग कोई सुलगती है अंदर डूबना नहीं ये मुस्कुराहट है समुन्दर.....😊
Promise day
हमेशा अपनी बात अपनों के सामने खुलकर रखो और उनसे वादा करो कि कुछ भी हो जाए वह कोई भी गलत निर्णय कभी नहीं लेंगे
Women: A Warrior
Sometimes a mother, sometimes a daughter Sometimes a sister, And sometimes your better half She plays many roles in our lives This International women's Day let's celebrate the power of warrior and appreciate her selfess efforts.
##women #womenaworrir #womensday #celebrate #womenpower
Marrying someone
Miles away, ready to hold my hands.
##marriage #marriagelife #understanding #lovelife #couples #couplesgoals #loveeachother
So yes I was raped.
I was raped when I was nine.......
##raped #molestation #girlabused #rapefreecountry
Why poets are never understood:
Poets like myself.
##Poets, #like #myself, #we #bleed, #poetry
Self-awareness or self-evaluation is the ability to see yourself clear