Shiney Miracula
Words are all I have and that may seem like nothing to some but it's everything.

Why Bakrid is called the feast of sacrifice?
Let's spread goodwill and positivity on the day of Bakrid
#Eid Mubarak #Bakrid

Who Is Your Friend?
Not everyone you meet is your friend. Of course, you can be a friend to everyone. Just make sure of who you let to be your friend.

Dethrone the television
You can watch TV when you've got nothing better to do but you shouldn't be watching it when you won't get up and do something better because you're watching TV.

Making mental health a priority
Give a smile to someone today. Who knows, it'll help them cross another mile.

Plight Of The Poor During Corona
Remember the less privileged during these times of crisis. Care for others. Help with what you can spare.

Mental Health During Corona
Look after each other. Never cause fear in times of unrest. Stay kind 🙏😍