Mental Health During Corona

Look after each other. Never cause fear in times of unrest. Stay kind 🙏😍

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Shiney Miracula
Shiney Miracula 19 Mar, 2020 | 1 min read

We are so programmed to deal with issues and problems externally that we fail to notice an important aspect, mental health.

Yesterday a case of suicide was reported from Safdarjung Hospital. A man jumped off the hospital to kill himself after being tested positive for COVID19.

He was tested for his disease but what gave him the fear to end his life without even trying. Maybe everyone in this society - the family WhatsApp group, the public who stock up their shelves, the assumption created COVID19 is fatal.

Now there is panic everywhere about this deadly virus Corona. Yes, you should wash your hands, practice social distancing and avoid travel. Still there is one more thing you have to keep in mind.

Don't nurture thoughts of anxiety within yourself or to others. Unauthorised information circulated in social media plays a crucial role in creating fear and unrest among society.


Published By

Shiney Miracula



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