Voting revolution

Technology has taken over everything so why should election system remain untouched.

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Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja
Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja 20 Nov, 2020 | 2 mins read
#citizens Online

Being the part of world's biggest democracy,the participation of citizens occupies a vital place.Apart from contesting elections which is very rare the most suitable way of participating in making of government is by casting vote.

We Indians are fortunate that we have given Universal Adult Franchise since the day our country got independence.In other nations citizens had to fought a long battle to achieve this right.In the current scenario when technology has took over various sectors of economy and society,the election system too need to be updated.

1. Online voting

This would give a chance to those who somehow are unable to come to booth to cast their vote.Even the expenditure of booth and employees would also be lessened.

2.Change in campaigns

At present a huge amount of capital is spent on election campaign.Also rallies organised create a lot of hustle bustle in traffic thereby hampering the daily schedule of people.Campaigning should be made online and use of paper,banners and hoardings should be banned.Online videos and TV programmes should be telecasted to explain the agenda.

3.Democracy in Political Parties

Political Parties should be asked to keep a record of members. Also internal elections should be conducted for allotment of seats rather than giving family member a chance.

4.Nomination criteria

Any candidate standing in election should present all papers of his property as well as his income tax returns of last 10 years.This information should be made public so that people can understand their candidates financial status.

Corruption and dirty politics can be averted only when citizens take the responsibility to be the part of government making.Sitting at home and cursing the politicians is not a solution.Its high time when we should realise our duties too.If we have rights for our welfare then we should impart our duties too for the welfare of our nation.

Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja


Published By

Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja



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