Brain drain in India: A threat to country's development

An alarming number depicting migration is a threat to our economy. But the reasons for this push are just and rational.Time to change our society and upgrade our mindsets.

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Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja
Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja 20 Sep, 2022 | 4 mins read

Gone are the days when people would give their lives for the sake of the country.Today, self-interest and securing life have overpowered the feeling of patriotism. This won't be considered wrong as everyone wishes to live a peaceful life, and that’s our right as well. Time and again, India has proved itself to be the creator of some brilliant minds. The CEO's of the world’s biggest companies are Indians. We feel proud of this achievement, but have we ever wondered why these brilliant gems became CEOs of foreign companies and not Indian? Why, after studying in India, did they choose to serve foreign companies? Recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs stated that around 111,287 Indians have returned their Indian passports as they have given up their Indian citizenship. India saw the sharpest increase in migration between 2000 and 2020, when roughly 10 million people left the country. (International Migration 2020 Highlights)

This alarming data is the outcome of many pull factors that attract the youth of our country. There are countless benefits of living abroad. A few of them are as follows:


Foreign countries are far ahead of India and the centre of new technology, which always creates a need for sharp minds and skilled people. The good remuneration, perks, more growth opportunities, tax concerns and scope to upgrade compel Indians to settle there. Growing in companies like Microsoft or Google is always easier than in Reliance or Adani Groups.The liberal spirit of the west offers more possibilities to acquire a position compared to India.


Foreign universities offer a variety of courses in numerous fields, which Indian universities fail to do. That is why Indian students compete to get selected in foreign universities. They provide scholarships, help with internships and many short-term courses along with college, which help students to upgrade themselves. One other reason is that the system of earning while you learn gives students a great opportunity to be self-dependent at a young age.


India has changed a lot in the past few years, but the pace of social change has been quite sluggish. Still, casteism,social status, and kinship exist in a society that is reluctant to change. Our society keeps social cohesion and status above individuals' freedom, in contrast to foreign cultures, where one is allowed to live their lives on their own terms. Be it physical relationships before marriage,homosexual relationships, or polygamy, one doesn’t have to explain their personal choices. One’s personal choices never hamper his or her position at work.


One could never part away with the fond memories of childhood spent running barefoot on sand, savouring ‘golgappes’ or tamarind chutney, or playing in the sun drenched in sweat. But once grown, one always wishes to live in big apartments with new gadgets, clean societies, well maintained roads, and foreign lands offer all this. Furthermore, in India, it is considered a matter of pride if someone in the family is settled abroad.


India is well known for its religious intolerance and riots. Partition, the 1984 riots, the Godhra case, and other incidents in which innocent lives were lost in the name of religion are examples.Corrupt politics makes the situation even worse for the ordinary man, who finds himself helpless and insecure. Western countries are free from all this and much more secure as compared to India. One has to struggle a lot to make a living here. Peace at work, smooth traffic, social changes, and a better quality of life are what one desires and it gets accomplished abroad.


India still has not been able to free itself from the patriarchal mindset. This kind of society doesn’t allow women to progress and live their lives on their own terms. Some Indian females still struggle to make a balance between their career and family. Above this, molestation, rapes, and domestic violence make life hell for them. Females in foreign lands are much more secure and able to pursue an independent life. Marriage, kids, and divorce don’t matter at all, what matters is their capabilities and talents.

It is high time that the underlying problems of our society should be addressed in order to stop this brain drain. This could be a roadblock in the development of our country when new generations push themselves out of our nation. A change in mindset, a more liberal society accepting people on the basis of their potential and not caste or religion is required to make life peaceful for our citizens. Human resources are a country’s biggest asset and should be conserved for its development.




Published By

Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja



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