Who Is Your Friend?

Not everyone you meet is your friend. Of course, you can be a friend to everyone. Just make sure of who you let to be your friend.

Originally published in en
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Shiney Miracula
Shiney Miracula 30 Jul, 2020 | 1 min read

You come across a lot of people in your life. You go to school with some, then comes college and work where the number of people you know keep on adding.

In this technological era, in which we spend a lot of time on social media, we meet a lot of people there too.

So with knowing a multitude of people in our life, who can you call your friend?

There are people who talks to you with intentions like to get a favour from you whereas some just like your sense of humour and feel entertained in your presence and likes you.

Then there will be a very few category of people who worries about your absence and defends you when someone speak ill of you.

There will be one person with whom you will feel comfortable in sharing everything which is never easy with anyone else. They will get you right the way you want to.

If you don't have one such person, don't give up. You will find someone just in time, so genuine and satisfying who can tell what's going on in your mind by just looking at you. When you discover such a friend, never let them go. He/she is the friend tailored just for you.


Published By

Shiney Miracula



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