Santa of the World!

A poem on 'If I was Santa and the gift I would like to give the world this Christmas".

Originally published in en
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Ritika Bawa Chopra
Ritika Bawa Chopra 14 Dec, 2022 | 1 min read

The world doesn't need something glorious,

Just few gestures that make a huge difference,

A hug for the one suffering in pain,

An umbrella for a poor man drenching in rain,

A smile to greet someone you meet,

A filled grocery bag for a famished family living on the street,

A heart to heart conversation with a lonely soul,

A piece of advice for someone in search of their life's goal,

A blanket for the old man shivering on a cold wintery night,

A calming factor to sort out an ugly fight,

A helpful hand to carry someone's burden,

Running a laughter club in a garden,

Releasing a bird each day from its cage,

Donating new books to an orphanage,

A pair of shoes for a poor boy walking on the road bare feet,

A bottle of chilled water for a labourer working under the sun's scorching heat,

I want to be a Santa with a 'Get what you want' cart,

I want to be a Santa with not a big stomach but with a big compassionate heart!


Published By

Ritika Bawa Chopra



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  • Sonnu Lamba Β· 2 years ago last edited 2 years ago

    So beautiful πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  • CHARU RISHI MEHRA Β· 2 years ago last edited 2 years ago

    You are a forever Santa, Ritika... πŸ’all love to you too dear....

  • Dr.Shweta Prakash Kukreja Β· 2 years ago last edited 2 years ago

    superbly penned

  • Babita Kushwaha Β· 2 years ago last edited 2 years ago


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