Let's not forget the world today, Its so sad and gloomy...
Let's not forget the time today, its so crucial and rigid...
Let's not forget the people who are suffering and dying...
Let's not forget the paupers who are hungry and paralyzed...
Let's not forget the labourers walking a lengthy space and feeling helpless...
Let's not forget the medical practitioners who are risking their health and families...
Let's not forget the scientists who are working day and night to find the cure...
Let's not forget the children who are locked in their homes during their vacation...
Let's not forget the men who are dull, bored and turned off sitting at home...
Let's not forget the women who are on overtime with their duties...
Again let's not forget the world today its so sad and gloomy...
Appreciate the author by telling what you feel about the post ๐
Will never forget. This crucial time is giving us so many good lessons.... Well penned ๐
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