A tale of a woman who was destined her nemesis...

Originally published in en
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Vridhi Chug
Vridhi Chug 31 Aug, 2020 | 1 min read
Vanishing emotions Love got faded

The wrong one...

She was contended and radiant when her stars espoused him as a partner to her lot...

She subtly and steadily loved him to the core...

Her fondness slooshed out of her heart to just sommer unveil her feelings to him...

Her fervour outbursts on him...

But he never revealed out...

He never loved her from the root...

His affection for her was not embedded...

His heart was rugged enough to wound her everytime...

She burnt and melted her feelings constantly...

She unweeded and acquitted oftenly...

But when every fleck of her emotions were vanishing...

She stood strong to hold on his face...

She never made out to him like before...

She never fell for him again...

Her love was fading...

She took him as her nemesis...

There hit a thought to her mind that he was 



Published By

Vridhi Chug



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