Once upon a time, there was a prankster man named Lomov. He always used to narrate vain stories and teased people of the village.
Villagers wanted to get rid from him. So, they met with the adviser of that village named George Max. He made a strategy with villagers that at night a mendacity ghost would scare and flee him away from the village. So, he summoned to Walter who had a terrible look and lethargic man. They shared all the strategy with him. But he agreed when they paid him $5.
It was a nail biting night. People spread a rumour that Lomov had narrated a story on ghost the day before yesterday. As a result, ghost awoke and wanted to kill him. This rumour spread among the people like fire in the woods and reached in the ears of Lomov. He frightened and ready to run away from there.
Suddenly, all bulbs got fuse. He heard an awful voice. After 4 or 5 seconds, he saw a ghost who had his head in his hand. He eerie. Ghost deadly attacked on him with knife. Fortunately, he made himself successful to escape from there. People didn't realize on their eyes that they succeed to run away Lomov so easily. They celebrated by hugging ghost and praised him.
Suddenly, a voice came ,"I am ready". He was Walter in the ghost costume. They shocked and one of them asked, "Who was that ghost whom Lomov got afraid of??" Another stammered," Perhaps! he was a real ghost."
Everyone got frightened and ran away from that village.
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