Beautiful monsoon

This is a beautiful view of rain in india .

Originally published in en
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Suhani singh Rajput
Suhani singh Rajput 10 Jul, 2022 | 1 min read

As the mighty sea tumbles from the sky,

on my glass and colorful umbrella,

I am overwhelmed in The Petrichor,

every time losing myself to the breeze.

sometimes my heart shakes in the windy down pour,

sometimes heart tingles in elation,

it dances on the beats of raindrops,

erasing all sorrows ,giving me a new hope.

frogs, worms, birds everyone is happy ,

nature is in full bloom swinging merrily ,

clouds bring moments of joy along with rain,

blessing mother earth with now life , washing all the pain.


Published By

Suhani singh Rajput



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