A short poem on how WATER IS A TREASURE

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Shreya Suraj
Shreya Suraj 25 Aug, 2022 | 1 min read

Water is found only on Planet Earth,

But very few know it’s worth

The Earth has unlimited water for free

Water does not belong to just you or me.

Water has existed for millions of years

But human actions have left Mother Earth in tears.


The waterbodies are filled no more with the turtle and the fish

It seems to have only plastic which comes free with every dish

The oceans cry as it gets mined for its copper, zinc, silver, and oil

But the never-ending greed of man never lets him recoil.


Big machines poke through the seabed for treasures

Nobody cares for the animals who now live there with fear and pressure

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Spoiling nature will only damage the life of our future generation.


Stop water pollution before it is too late

If not, Nature will retaliate and change our fate

Recycle, reduce, reuse and share

Start showing the Earth that we care.


Published By

Shreya Suraj



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