A tale of Mother Earth

A take of mother earth !

Originally published in en
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Shalini Narayana
Shalini Narayana 29 Apr, 2021 | 3 mins read

Long-ago Mother "Earth" when she was a young girl, was known for her beauty .She was young, beautiful, vibrant, full of colours and full of life. Father " Time" was completely mesmerised by her beauty,her gorgeous mountain's covered with lush green trees, colourful flower's, her divine voice of ocean waves, her soft sound of grass as it sways with the wind. The chirping music of birds. The sun,the moon,the stars, the sky and the rainbow. Father Time was completely in awe of her. Father Time's heart was somersaulting by the beauty of Mother Earth. Earth was playing music and Time was dancing with her. Father time fells for Mother Earth and they both get married. They had many kids.Her cosy womb provided security,protection and nourishment to all her kids, they were growing and growing up very fast. Father Time was flying fast too.

Today Father Time heard Mother Earth yelling and screaming at her kids .She was furious and mad on them . she was looking awful and scary. Father Time noticed Mother Earth's behavioural changes and mood swings and was worried about her ,so he called all his kids to have a word with them regarding Mother Earth's condition.

Father time said " there was a time when mother was very beautiful and owned the entire house. Technically she still did but it hadn't felt that way for a very long time."

Kids told their father something is wrong with their mother she is not taking care of them anymore and has started yelling and getting angry on them more often.

Father time said " kids you never saw the real extent of how precious your mother is to us. You went out and became successful species but you completely failed as son's and daughter's."

How can you say that father ?? Questioned one kid.

Father time said "without realising you are exploiting your mother earth for your own comfort because you want an easy life. You are destroying everything your mother earth has given to you in abundance specially oxygen. Mother earth was full of green forests trees and greenery all around ,but you had cut all of them and build huge buildings towers and turned it into a concrete jungle all for your own development . "She has protected you ,nourished you ,cared for you " . And in return you are spoiling her giving pain to her by changing her nature her natural resources ,cutting trees ,not valuing her and you are taking her for granted. It's her right to be mad on you,yell at you and show her anger on you ( global warming, drastic temperature changes, natural disasters, deforestation all are her anger we are facing)

What shall we do Father ?? Asked the elder one.

Father time said " It's time you pay back to Mother Earth kids."

The story depicts the way we mistreat our Mother Earth . It's a wakeup call. There is no other planet where we can go and live after destroying our Mother Earth. She is asking nothing from us ,except to restore it the way it was. But we as inhabitants are very selfish and careless. Not blaming every one ,there are lot of people who consciously make effort to take care of Mother Earth let's join hands with them and give our Mother Earth her beauty back.


Published By

Shalini Narayana



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  • Kumar Sandeep · 3 years ago last edited 3 years ago


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