Who are good people and why there is less good people.

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Shakeb 06 Oct, 2019 | 4 mins read

Who is a good person?

Anyone who flirts with the laws of nature is a good person. If you are full of love for all beings on this earth, if you are enjoying every moment of your life, if you are so full of gratitude to thank God for all those blessings, together you know all the pains and struggles you face. A lesson to take you to a higher level of life, if your energy towards life is festive, if you are in most of your existence. If you feel like God from within, you can call yourself a good man.

A good person not only loves others, but also loves himself because he knows he is a creation of God and that God does not create any goodness. Never underestimate yourself.

The importance of being a good person.

Being a bad person, you can get many materialistic benefits to your advantage. But how long is life with you? How long can you survive your common sense? How many millionaires have you seen that are intrinsically happy with life?

On the other hand, being a good person, you can still collect all the great things that life has made available to you to enjoy, but this time your path is clear and you have ensured that everything is well taken care of. Things have been "earned" with a dedicated effort, love and kindness.

Remember, every action you take is nothing but energy transfer. This energy returns you in exactly the same proportion. (Take my word, forget how to fall into the spiritual circle of how it happens).

All your actions are deposited in the Bank of the Earth. For every good deed, you receive a deposit in the bank and for every bad deed your account is withdrawn. Whenever your account ends due to wrong actions, life sends you a rather painful reminder to wake you up. If you learn the lessons in good times and start doing well, once again enrich your life story with better and more loving experiences. It's that simple.

If you want more happiness, collect only love, care, laughter, smiles and many simple tasks to spread happiness as you can dream. The more you give, the more you receive. Try to see for yourself. But try to give with all your heart without expecting anything in return.

Why are some humans so good?

Every human being is born as a clean and good person. The conditioning of parents, teachers and society determines what a child becomes. Unfortunately, as most older people are doing the opposite of what they preach, the child grows up in a confused environment where every body is fighting and literally "fighting against life".

How many times have you seen a father give a lesson of honesty to his son? Now, no matter how many lessons the child has listened to, he will not follow the words, but will follow his father's behavior.

And before he knows it, the child starts to lie because his father's behavior is not honest.

Many parents return home and blame, blame politicians, blame market conditions. In the eyes of a child so old and attentive, he confirms that if you want to run away with something, if you don't want to do anything, just invent an excuse blaming someone or something. Therefore, instead of becoming a creator, he becomes a lazy person. When he grows up, the child gets used to not doing the things he should have done for his development.

Now, when a child grows up with hypocritical partners who say something and do something else, they also gradually imitate what society tells them to do. Why? Because, even if you don't do what you're told, you can blame those who asked you to do it in the first place. Easy no?

Stay with me, there's more. Do you think that with such a change, every child can be convinced to face the "deadly" world when they grow up? Your trust is already devastated by unemployment, by dirty politics, by the negative confidence of every reminder. Also, since all family members are doctors, they should also be a doctor and present the surname. Now, this child never wants to be a doctor. He hates the sight of the Red Cross. But what will the elders say ... then force the medical field.

In this state of mind, he is also ready to "break down the bleeding system", but feels powerless. And where can you dare to free yourself?

Anyone who is disappointed inside will facilitate the path to success because his work never inspires him. He just needs money and if he can cheat, steal or give another person the chance, then it's easy for him and he hates to work very little. That's when he starts looking for "easy and easy money" and then it's up to him to ruin his life.

Easy money flourishes its ego with a false notion of success, and begins to appreciate the appreciation of his society that begins to call it a "great man". Thus, it becomes highly materialistic and self-centered. Now, doing it for others is out of the question. This in itself may not be sufficient for the sake of sins.

When materialism is in a loving heart, how long can it remain in the realm of true morality of true happiness and how long can it last without breaking the universal laws of cause and effect?

This happens when a man is not too upset or worried about his neighbor. He wants to win, whatever happens, even if he has to trample on those who stand in the way. His inclination for more money, more praise, more ... makes it a machine to try. He continues to collect more and more, and now it is extremely difficult for him to survive without the high level he has created. Therefore, in every possible way, it will. Asking, borrowing or stealing becomes your life.


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