teen trading

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Shakeb 25 Sep, 2019 | 3 mins read

The illegal act of forcibly acquiring or transferring children for the purpose of labor or sexual exploitation is known as child trafficking.

Children are denied the family environment and forced to work in areas where working conditions and employers' attitudes toward them violate children's human rights and freedoms. Children are used for illegal activities such as prostitution, begging, picketing, drug couplings, early marriage and organ transplants. The work environment is dangerous and harmful to the mental and physical health of the child.

Types of Child Trafficking

Child trafficking is classified into various categories. Here is a detailed look at some types of child trafficking:

Domestic slave.

child labour.

bonded labor.

Sexual Exploitation.

illegal activities.

Organ smuggling.

child soldiers.

Domestic slave

Children and their families in rural areas are often lured by high wages in cities. In fact children are sold for some amount and are forced to work as house help without any wages. In most child marriages, young women are exploited as domestic slaves and sexually assaulted. Such crimes are rarely encountered because they occur in private homes.

child labour

Children from rural areas often migrate or suffer for employment in industries such as hotels or restaurants, construction industries, spinning mills etc. Physical and mental abuse of victims also occurs. They are forced to work under threatening conditions with little or no wages.

bonded labor

Bonded laborers are laborers who are forced to pay the debts of the family. Parents give their children when they are unable to give loans. Apart from this, children are sold in some amount due to poverty and lack of basic resources.

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual abuse is the bitter reality of rural and urban areas of India. Young women are trafficked and forced to work as prostitutes. Children are also commercially exploited for the exchange of drugs, food, shelter, etc. Pregnancy, HIV, STD and even deaths faced by these victims are common.

illegal activities

Children are trafficked for illegal activities such as begging and organ trade because they are more sympathetic to vulnerable people. In some unfortunate circumstances, their body parts are damaged or cut off by criminals as they make more money injured.

Smuggling of organ

The demand for organs is more than the supply. This leads to illegal trade of organs and smuggling. Organisms such as eyes and kidneys are especially in high demand. There are criminal groups that exploit children for personal gain. Child organ trafficking is the deepest truth in today's world.

child soldiers

Many children under the age of 18 are trafficked and are being exploited as child soldiers. Other children are also forced to work as guards, cooks, servants, etc. Children are forced to work hard as a result of being deprived of their family's childhood, love and care.


Society and government need to focus on prevention, prosecution and protection. The government should adopt appropriate measures to prevent serious child trafficking. Creating awareness in society is to educate and inform people and the causes and effects of various forms of child trafficking to the victims of child trafficking. The government needs to redefine laws and ensure that laws are implemented efficiently. The government needs to make sustained efforts with the help of NGOs and society to end all forms of child trafficking. Serious action needs to be taken against the trafficking chain and all those involved in the crime should be punished by law.


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