Man and society

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Shakeb 25 Oct, 2019 | 3 mins read

Man is a social animal. He has a natural desire to live an allied life with others. Man needs a society for his existence or existence. The human child depends on his parents and others for his survival and development. The inherent ability of the child can develop in the society itself. The last goal of humanity is to encourage good and happy life for its persons. It creates conditions and opportunities for the all-round development of the individual personality. Society ensures harmony and cooperation between individuals despite their occasional conflicts and tensions. If society helps individuals in many ways, then great men also contribute to society with their intelligence and experience. Thus, society and the individual are bound by an intimate and harmonious bond and the conflicts between the two are clear and transitory. In a well-organized society, there will be lasting harmony between the two.

When man came to earth, he was alone but here he could not live his life alone. The need for each other's help was necessary, for which society or family was required and then from family to society and society to city, state and nation was created. Human life cannot be imagined apart from social life, all-round development of man is possible only by living in society, society itself has all the facilities available to a person which is the ultimate for his development.

Man needs society for his needs and society needs man for its survival. It is also believed that when man was alone in ancient times, he started living in herds to protect himself from the animals, gradually these herds turned into families and families started developing to meet their needs. Gave. The society was created.

In olden times there used to be joint families and they had ideals that created a civilized society, but now the situation has changed completely, now people consider themselves as part of society, but they are forgetting their honesty towards society. Huh. Are, now humans do not think it is appropriate to live in a joint family. He is serious about selfishness and self-centered.

Presently man's view has changed with regard to society, now for him the meaning of society is limited to only the area where he lives but perhaps people are forgetting that the existence of society is the cornerstone of human life, if human society If we get fame, our self-esteem increases among the people, in today's time, in whatever field humans are progressing, it is the gift of society itself.

If any person achieves achievement in any field, it is first addressed by the name of the society in which he is a part, a human being can do his rights and Slavs by living in a society only if there is no society then From what do these rights and Slavs mean.

Society is a reflection of human being in which every day they see their aspirations and aspirations fulfilled, although it is well known that society has been built by man, but at present society has become an integral part of man's life. Society expresses the thoughts of human beings. Oh, this society, which has been the announcer of the civilization and culture of humans since ancient times, the body of man is destroyed but society always lives as a symbol of the glory stories that exist in it. 


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