Dowry system in India

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Shakeb 25 Sep, 2019 | 4 mins read

Dowry in India

Dowry is another social evil that is affecting Indian society like a disease and there is no solution or cure. In fact, dowry is a type of violence that occurs against women. It is a specific crime that is committed only against married women.

What is Dow?

In simple terms, dowry can be understood as a demand for money or valuables by the groom's family from the bride's family in exchange for their marriage. This is in a way the compensation or value demanded by the groom's family. By all means, the dowry practice of harassing women is strange only to Indian society. Dowry is another dimension of gender inequality in our country.

In short, the system is based on the presumption that men are superior and must bring a certain amount or property for the maintenance of the girl in her in-laws.

The system of dowry has become part and parcel of our collective conscience and has been accepted by society as a whole. In a way, it has become a customary rule for the society to follow. The situation is such that if no one takes a dowry, people start questioning him and try to see him.

The higher the groom's income or the higher his family status, the greater the amount of dowry demanded. Caste also plays a role in this. Generally, the higher caste has been the concept of high dowry. But in recent times the dowry system has become a ubiquitous exploitative system and it is only the economic condition of the groom's family that is the deciding factor in the demand for dowry.

Origin of dowry

The origins of this social ill can be traced back to the practice or tradition of gifting brides at weddings and this system of gifts was a voluntary system approved in our religious beliefs which is the duty of a girl's father to her. A part of the property was found in her marriage to her daughter as she was going to another house after marriage and the son got the rest of the father's property. Mr. Will. Therefore, it was considered a moral duty of the father to gift a part of his earnings or property to his daughter as well.

But in earlier times this system was not an exploitative system, where any special demands were made by the bride and groom's family, it was a voluntary system and the bride's family would give gifts to the best of their ability.

But over the course of time the gift-making system transformed into an exploitative system of compulsory demands made by the groom's family. And the system took the form of dowry. As a social evil, it not only degrades the institution of marriage, but also violates and diminishes the dignity of women.

Dow Death or Bride Barning

Related to dowry system and consequently dowry is inhuman practice of death or bride-marriage. Every year thousands of young brides are burnt or killed by their in-laws because they fail to meet their growing demand for money or property.

Records show that there has been an alarming increase in cases related to harassment, torture, humiliated suicides and dowry deaths of young brides. Only in 2010, more than 9,000 dowry-related deaths have been reported indicating the level of violence by young brides. These deaths are, in fact, cold-blooded murders where an innocent girl is killed simply because she could not bring the money or property demanded by her own husband and her relatives.

The most disturbing and unfortunate fact in such cases is that in most cases it is the women who play the leading role in the said crimes and the men in the family either act as inactive followers or active members. And husbands in particular have no relation to their marital obligations protecting and protecting their wives.

Creation of new creation to complete the Dolly system

The real problem lies with the society as a whole which directly and indirectly supports and encourages the system of dowry. And there seems to be no ray of hope that the situation will improve in the near future. Materialism is the main modern force for people and is looking for modern lifestyles and comfort; People are ready to go to any extent, even to burn their wife or daughter-in-law.

May be the only hope in the new generation of young boys and girls with modern ideas. They should come out in the open and fight against this social evil and start protesting even within their families, if such an incident occurs.

Also, if their in-laws demand a dowry and immediately complain to the police or the appropriate authorities, the young brides should start a protest; They should stop suffering and begin to think of themselves as empowered because the laws are there to protect and empower them.

Otherwise, the legal provisions will remain there only in the books of law, which have no real effect in reality.


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