Corruption free india

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Shakeb 05 Oct, 2019 | 3 mins read

Corruption is prevalent in every region and every level in the country. Corrupt means and improper methods are used by the government as well as private sector people to carry out many big and small tasks. This is because people want to earn big money without working hard. But where are we going by employing such ill practices? Definitely towards destruction! Not every one of us should say any kind of corrupt behavior. This will be the first step towards building a corruption-free India.

Government's role in establishing a corruption-free India

While individual efforts can work towards freeing the country from corruption, government intervention is necessary if the problem is to be removed from its roots. The Government of India should enact strict laws to get rid of this problem. Those involved in any kind of corrupt conduct should be punished severely.

Government officials in the country are known for their wavering attitude towards work. They take bribes without any hesitation to provide various government services to the people. There is no restriction on these evil practices. Taking bribes and doing favors for the people in power is a common practice in government offices. This is not to say that each government employee is dishonest. Some of them perform their duties faithfully. But the irony is that those who use fair earn moderately and those who use corrupt methods earn good and live a better life. Given the monetary benefits involved, even those who are reluctant to follow corrupt means are attracted to this path. The main reason for this is that there is no one to investigate or punish those involved in these practices. These practices can only end if the government closely monitors and punishes the actions of these employees.

Bribing is as bad as taking a bribe. We cannot deny the fact that we have engaged in giving bribes or have seen our parents or relatives giving the same at one point or another. It is a common practice to give money to the traffic police for crossing the red light or to submit some form after the due date. Even though we know that it is morally wrong and we will only add corruption by doing so, we still do it thinking that it will benefit us in time and hardly have any major impact. However, we will not indulge in this if we know that doing so may put us in trouble. If we know that we can be fined or our license can be confiscated or we can be put behind bars for indulging in any such thing, we will not dare to indulge in it.

So, the government plays a very big role in this. It should be taken as the responsibility of freeing the country from corruption.

Role of media in establishing corruption free India

The media is very strong in our country. He has the right to speak and express opinions. This authority should be fully utilized to expose corrupt officials. The media should conduct a sting operation regularly and bring those who are corrupt in conduct into the limelight. This will not only expose the culprits but also create a fear among the general public. They will think two times before using any corrupt earnings.


It is a joint effort of individuals, media as well as government that can help in building a corruption-free India. In order to make the country a better place to live, they should take responsibility for manual work.


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