Child sexual abuse in India

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Shakeb 25 Sep, 2019 | 4 mins read

Child sexual abuse is one of the most neglected social problems of our society. This is due to the neglect that the incidence of child sexual abuse in India is increasing at an alarming rate. It is necessary to note that this problem has many dimensions, due to which society is not able to combat it. Child sexual abuse leaves a deep impact not only on the victim child but also on the society as a whole.

What else is child sexual abuse?

Most cases of child sexual abuse in India go unnoticed because families are uncomfortable bringing these cases to public view as the general belief says that such things should remain inside the walls of their homes'. There is a possibility of infringing on the dignity of the family when the child sex story comes out in the open.

Child sexual abuse is a form of abuse in which an adult or an older teen sexually abuses a child for their own enjoyment. As disgusting as this definition is, as frightening as it is, it is the reality that India occurs among countries that are notorious for incidents of maximum child abuse. Child sexual abuse is also called child molestation.

Child sexual abuse takes many forms that both parents and children should be made aware of so that incidents can be prevented. It happens that a child is not made aware of the offensive touch and is unable to identify the child whether he / she has been a target of molestation and thus it becomes all significant on the part of the parent that What they discuss about is open talk with their children.

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is not a new problem or a problem related to India only. This is a global concern. This issue has become a public issue since the 1970s and 1980s. Prior to these years, the issue was closed. The number of molestation cases was first estimated in the year 1948 and until the 1920s there was no formal study on child abuse.

As far as India is concerned, this subject is still a taboo subject as these issues are confined to the walls of houses and are not allowed to come out. In a conservative society like ours where a girl is uncomfortable discussing the subject of menstruation with her mother, it becomes completely inconceivable that she would discuss if she has been touched in inappropriate places because she needs to be silent Has been advised.

The same happens with boys who are unable to speak openly with their parents on the issue of sexuality. This is the primary mindset of the entire society which acts as an incentive for addicts. The addict takes advantage of the fear that has clouded the innocent child's mind, even the innocent child who has been sexually abused by him.

Laws to tackle child sexual abuse

However, the Indian Penal Code, 1860 provides provisions for dealing with various types of sexual offenses committed against women (like Sections 376, 354 etc.) as well as Section 377 punishing unnatural sexual acts against both men and women. , But there was no specific law to combat sexual offenses committed against children of both sexes.

Thus, the Parliament enacted a special law called the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act, 2012 in the year 2012 to protect children of both sexes from this social threat and to punish the perpetrators. Prior to this act, the Goa Children Act, 2003 was the only act in practice. The new Act criminalizes acts of immaturity against children. However, the law does not punish Molester severely and its deterrent character seems to be lacking.

What are ABUSERS?

Even today, the majority of the perpetrators are people who know the victim or the victim's family or are close to the victim. This closeness is a factor that is unfairly taken advantage of by the abuser as the abuser learns that he or she will avoid a confrontation, is a family concern and can then take the form of repeated assaults by the abuser. . On the victim.

A molestation incident takes a toll on a child's psychological well-being. Effects can include depression, sleep and eating disorders, phobias among many more dangerous symptoms. 

Current scenario

Child sexual abuse is still a crime that goes undiscovered as people refrain from talking about it. The occurrence of such incidents can be reduced to a great extent if efforts are made to create awareness about the subject. This fear needs to be instilled in the minds of criminals, which is possible only when people are ready to confront them. It is high time that parents should start a discussion on the subject to make the child aware of such issues.

Educational institutions should also organize awareness camps which are helpful in imparting accurate knowledge on the subject of sexuality. Although some efforts have been made in this direction through feature films such as Slumdog Millionaire, which dealt with child prostitution, much more needs to be done.

The laws again require many more stringent rules and sections to ensure that offenders do not go scot-free even without heavy penalties for the crime. Finally, the issue of child sexual abuse should no longer be seen as an issue that can be ignored as it disrupts the functioning of society in an efficient manner and leaves a deep impact on the minds of young people is.


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