Beggars are part of our society.

Begging is bad for youngsters but not for old age citizens.

Originally published in en
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Shakeb 29 Mar, 2020 | 2 mins read

Begging is a concern for society. While beggars are generally found at street signs, in front of temples and other similar places, some of them also wander from one street to another asking for alms, money and food. These are the worst beggars, as they invade residential areas and disturb peace.

Street beggars are generally assigned special areas. From time to time they visit these areas to pray. These beggars are dressed in rags and carry a battered bag on their shoulders. Women are usually seen holding a small child in their arms, which is a tactic for invoking devotion. Even children in torn clothes go from one street to another to ask for food, clothes and money.

Some older men are seen dressed as saints with a bowl in one hand and a stick in the other as they pray from one street to another. They mainly move in groups singing religious songs and calling for food and money. Many times, these beggars ring the bells of the residents and ask them to help them monetarily. This is quite annoying as it hinders people's privacy. They often tell their sad stories to residents who help them out of pity.

It is very difficult to determine whether the story told by these beggars is true or false. These people begin with begging and often continue and commit crimes such as theft, robbery and even murder. Street beggars are more likely to get involved in such big crimes. Since they know the location and financial status of residents in the areas they visit frequently, it is easier for them to perform burglaries and robberies.


Begging is one of the main problems in our society. The government must take strict measures to stop it.


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