Acid attack, A scar on India

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Shakeb 14 Oct, 2019 | 3 mins read

The incidence of acid attacks occurs mainly when a woman denies having a relationship with a man. Some men cannot handle rejection of any kind and take revenge in the form of an acid attack. Sometimes, family disputes also involve an acid attack. Women are considered vulnerable enough to take revenge in that way. There have also been cases where small clashes between couples have resulted in an acid attack. It is very easy for a criminal to throw acid on a woman's face and escape. Acid is used daily for cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, jewelry, etc. Therefore, it is readily available on the market at a low cost. The criminal manages to hide his identity by covering his face during the crime. This is why in recent times there has been a huge increase in this heinous crime.

How dangerous can acid attacks be?

The intensity of the combustion depends on the type of acid used in the crime. In general, the criminal uses hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid to attack women. These acids cause intense burning in the face and even the bones melt. If the acid penetrates the eyes of the victim, she loses her sight. In some cases, women have lost the ability to listen due to the attack. When the acid enters the wind pipe or the food pipe, it leads to deadly diseases such as an ulcer. Many deaths have been reported after acid attacks. If the burn is very deep, the face becomes ugly and the skin becomes flabby. The permanent marks are left on the face and body of the victim in which the acid is thrown. After treating the burn, the victim needs plastic surgery sessions to look a little normal. These sessions require a large amount of money that can go up to 10-15 thousand rupees and even more. It is not possible that all victims can afford such expensive treatment. The promised compensation remains only on the card. Those who survive the acid attack face severe public, physical and sensitive torture. The woman loses faith in herself. It is difficult for family members to behave normally with her, although they do everything possible to do so. A single woman has no chance of getting married and those who are already married are hated or abandoned by their spouse. Even the woman's children fear her ugly face and stay away. The pain he goes through is impossible to imagine. The victim cannot socialize with people. In short, the acid attack victim loses the right to live. In addition to this, the costs of its treatment destroy it economically. On the other hand, the criminal enjoys free life on bail or is released after a small incarceration.

The steps needed to stop the crime?

The first and most important thing is that Indian society must change its mindset to judge women. For years, our society has become accustomed to cutting women's wings. Today the woman is progressive and is strong enough to deny a proposal that she believes is not good for her. This denial or rejection is taken by some men as an aggression by modern women and develops a manic attitude to take revenge only to satisfy their ego. Although the number of acid attacks has increased in recent times, women cannot sit at home for fear of such attacks. It must be cautious and aware. You should report any suspicious activity, such as being followed by a man to his family and the police. You should avoid meeting a single person who believes you can harm them. Basically, it should be your help and follow the safety rules for independent women.


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