Step ahead

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Sejuti Majumdar
Sejuti Majumdar 25 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

Remember Anami?

The cursed unnamed forgotten girl of our last chapter?

She is a beautiful grown up teen now. She has a little brother whom she loves very much. Her family no longer despise her but considers her a miracle child. She’s in college now and is waiting for her boyfriend Yudiva. Yudiva is her senior a polite obedient boy loved by teachers. He is the perfect good boy. Anami didn’t actually love him. Yudiva being the chivalrous boy had proposed her in front of the whole family and Anami’s family admired this act. They wanted her to accept him and she couldn’t refuse. Yudiva always discussed about their marriage and family and she never enjoyed it. Today she decided that she will finally tell him that she can never love him. Yudiva arrived and greeted her. He did not even hug her in public. “How are you?” he asked with a shy smile. Anami didn’t answer. She pulled him to a corner and said,” Listen I have to tell you something very important.” Yudiva was very surprised and embarrassed at this act. “What are you doing? People will see us.” He said while looking around to see if someone is watching them. “I don’t care” said Anami angrily,” I cant stay like this anymore and I need to say it.” Anami said impatiently.

“What is going on Agnija?” asked Yudiva now worried. He always called her Agnija and Anami didn’t like it. He thought that anami was being childish about it and should accept the name her parents gave her. 

Anami said,” Listen I know this is a very wrong time and way to say this but this can’t continue between us. Please forgive me but I cant do this anymore.”

Yudiva smiled, “ I understand. You don’t like meeting like this. You want our relationship to be official…..”

Anami stopped him midway.” No! You don’t understand. I don’t want this relationship at all because I don’t love you. I just accepted you because my family wanted so and this is not right.”

Yudiva was shocked but he quickly calmed himself and took her hand. He said,” You are just confused Agnija. Everything will be ok once we are married.”

Anami pulled her hand roughly, “ No I am not. I was before. I thought I can make it work but I can’t” 

Saying so she started to walk away. “ Agnija!!” Yudiva called out. 

“I am Anami. If you had ever loved me you would call me that.” Said Anami and walked away. Yudiva stood their trying to comprehend whatever took place. “ I will not leave you Anami.” He said and walked away too.


Published By

Sejuti Majumdar



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