My take on Keto Challenge

Heard of Keto? If not do give a read.

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Sejuti Majumdar
Sejuti Majumdar 28 Jan, 2020 | 3 mins read


Challenge for only 28 days. Are you ready?


Are you worried about that dress you saw in the shopping mall that is not going to fit you anymore? Have you tried everything but failed and lost all hope of being the fit beauty that you dream of 24x7? Have you ever tried the 28 days keto challenge? Now you must be wondering what exactly is this? So let us first know a few things.


What is Keto Diet?

A keto diet is the short form of ketogenic diet which means a diet that has high levels of fat and low levels of carbohydrate and it also has sufficient protein. This type of diet makes your body burn fat forcibly instead of carbohydrate and send energy to the brain. The burned fat is turned to ketones and as this method reduces hunger it results in fast weight loss.


What do you have to do?

First, you need a complete plan and you can never back out. You need to know what you can eat and what you cannot. Before you decide that keto challenge has worked for you or not you need to have maintained the complete steps. You have to stop eating all kinds of starchy food like rice and wheat which is the staple food of India. Once you decide that you are ready for this challenge you can follow any book based on the keto challenge and strictly abide by it or else many organizations provide a complete diet plan based on your physical activity, your food habits, your daily life routine and they will also provide what amount to consume and various meal preparation recipes.



The keto challenge has become increasingly popular today and people do seem to get benefits. I have never tried this but I heard that it has been a success and given the scientific basis this should work. In some cases, it does not work because people fall out of their plan or eat something they were not supposed to and so it is very important that you know what exactly is in the diet and you must have some kind of guide who will help you to understand the food plans.



One thing we must know that the body normally burns fat instead of carbohydrate when the body is starving so technically you make the brain think you are starving and this might have some very bad effects unless you do it under some expert guidance. Effects like muscle wastage, cardiovascular disease, constipation may occur. 




To sum up I will say go for the keto diet only when you are under expert guidance and never for the long term. 28 days is fine but don’t let it increase to more than it. We should never do something uncurable just to have a drastic weight loss. This seems easy but it is not quite it and once you stop it will again start adding up so it becomes like a vicious cycle.











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Sejuti Majumdar

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