
Derive your strength from your weakness, and you shall be sufficient for yourself!!

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Sampurna Sharma
Sampurna Sharma 28 Oct, 2020 | 2 mins read
#poetrycommunity poetry #poets #woman #disguise #sattire

I rose to above my nature of a woman and gave you a life which you don't deserve!!

I risked my humour to contemplate your funny face!!

I obliged to every order to judge your decency,but you proved to be a moron of a unique kind!!

My house felt like a brothel when you stepped in with your family assailants!!

The cup of tea that you sip over,was made out of Monday blues, and churning haterade!!

You ogled my moves like a serpent ready to grab and swallow!!

You complimented my cooking skills, and offered me a jobless life of a Queen, who doesn't have a kingdom to rule!!

You claimed me like a horse waiting for his master to ride him through!!

You forsee my future as a secure bait of delusive happiness and granted labour!!

You corrupt my thoughts and emotions,like a forceful dent on a track of a wheel!!

I would stumble, and my soul would get crooked and never be the same!!

I would be called a selfish daughter, a disrespectful Mother, a wicked Wife,and above all a characterless woman!!

But do you think, You can scare me by lending my future in a golden platter,so beautifully carved out of your selfish desire???...

Have you forgotten that I created you in the first place!!... I'm the mother who knows how many coins you counted in the Pooja thali..

I'm the one who answer your prayer on dussera!!

I'm the one you loot on empty street in the night!!

I'm the one whom you worship so dedicatedly,and expect me to believe your deceived Nature!!

Today!!! I dent to become your bride!!

Today!!! I deny to be your partner in life!!

Today!!! I deny to be your daughter!!

Today!!! I deny to be a MOTHER!!

I'm your Karma in disguised!!!

So, next time when you try to play me as a Game!! Remember who's the Queen!!

I'm your disguised faith!! Be careful not to hurt yourself!!

For I'm gonna plunge in your heart like a fear!!

A fear of death!!! A fear of being alive while you are eaten raw!!

A fear in disguise!!!


Published By

Sampurna Sharma



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