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Raghav Sen 15 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

It was the month of September and the autumn break was about to begin in a few weeks’ time. Our first term exams had just been over and we were free from the burden of studies at least for a few days. Our school plans excursion trips to various places during the autumn break. I always wanted to go on such a trip and have fun with my friends.

While my parents allowed me to go on local school excursions, they had always been sceptic about sending me on out stationed trips. They thought I was too young and careless and thus feared sending me. I tried to convince them each year I saw the notice about these school trips pasted on the notice board but they refused. However, after a lot of persuading in class VII, my mother promised that she will send me when I reach class IX as I will grow older and become more mature by then.

So, last year I reminded her of her promise. Though reluctant, she agreed to send me on my school trip to Jaipur. She also convinced my father and he gave the written consent along with the amount that had to be deposited for the trip. My joy knew no bounds. Few of my close friends had also got consent from their parents and we were super thrilled about our trip. I was not only excited about visiting Jaipur but also about the train journey.

I was lucky to get the window seat. It was a day journey of around 5 hours and there was a lot to see outside the window. The sight of small sand hills, green fields and long roads fascinated me and I glued to the window for most part of the journey. For the rest of the journey, we played dumb charades and antakshari which was super fun. I just wished the journey never came to end. However, before we even realized, we reached the Jaipur station. As I roamed around from fort to fort in the Pink city, I dreamt of the train journey back to my home town as I thoroughly enjoyed train journeys. Our train journey back home was as much fun.

Train journeys have always fascinated me. I have gone on quite a few of them but this one was all the more special as I was accompanied by my friends. I am looking forward to more such train journeys.


Published By

Raghav Sen



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