Climate change

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Raghav Sen 25 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

Climate change is basically a modification in the distribution of the pattern of the average weather conditions on the Earth. When this change lasts for a few decades or centuries, it is referred to as climatic change. Several factors contribute towards change in the climatic conditions. Here is a look at these contributory factors and repercussions of climate change:

Here is a look at some of the main factors that cause a change in the climatic conditions on the Earth:

  • Solar Radiation

Sun radiates its energy that reaches the Earth and is emitted back in the space. This energy is carried to different parts of the globe by way of winds, ocean currents and other mechanisms, thereby, impacting their climatic conditions.

  • Volcanic Eruption

Volcano eruption is quite common on the Earth and this is another reason for the climatic change here. The effect of volcanic eruption on the Earth lasts for a few years.

  • Human Activities

Life on the Earth itself contributes to the changes in its climate. The process of carbon emission by humans is one of the reasons that lead to changes in the climate. Emission of carbon due to fossil fuel combustion, burning of industrial wastes and vehicular pollution add to it.

  • Orbital Variations

Variation in the Earth’s orbit causes a change in the seasonal distribution of sunlight received on it. This variation results in Milankovitch cycles that impact the climate adversely.

Here is a look at the repercussions of climate change:

  • Effect on Forests

Forests serve as home for numerous species of animals and plants and maintain the ecological balance on the Earth. However, changes in the climate have led to extinction of forests in many regions.

  • Effect on Water

The water system on the Earth has been disturbed due to climate change. The rainfall pattern has become erratic thereby causing extreme conditions such as drought and flood. It has also caused melting of glaciers.

  • Effect on Wildlife

Climatic changes have become a threat for the survival of various wild species. A number of species of wild animals and plants have gone down and many are on the verge of extinction.

Climate change is a global problem. Besides the natural forces, human activities have also contributed majorly to this change. While the natural forces cannot be controlled, human beings must ensure they control the activities that lead to negative impact on the weather in order to maintain harmony on the Earth.


Published By

Raghav Sen



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