The Colours of Independence

Independence struggle and the victory attained

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Dr Preeti
Dr Preeti 11 Aug, 2023 | 2 mins read
Colours, Independence, Happiness

Ostensibly, our motherland proudly flaunts its colours of independence and patriotism- the saffron, white and green of courage, peace and faith, respectively. But we forget to add the one shade that cloaks them all- the dark curtain of history. It rewinds further even than the Partition and brings us to the humiliating surrender of Japan to the Allies on- yes, 15th August 1945. 

As dark as the period of WW II was, this day commemorates British victory over every other rogue country. And India was granted this very day to enable the British to feel good even about their token surrender to the Indian people’s will. And I remind you of this very obscure fact to tell you that we aren’t over this period of servitude yet. From our system of education to even that of eating- we have been western in everything but name. 

But Indians are slowly removing this black shroud and bit-by-bit we are revealing the many colours of atmanirbharta. From a Julia Roberts embracing Hinduism to a Rishi Sunak heading the land that is standing on the shoulders of the entire commonwealth’s blood and sweat. Indians are excelling in India and abroad. We have become the land of startups and also the land of sanity in the midst of Western collapse.

Our true colours are those of our ancients- the “gerua” of our sannyasis and the khadi of our charkha warriors. Our people have much to give to the world and our systems of thought, discipline and the family unit are a source of much awe for the rest of the world. 

We are but a young, independent country with a civilisation that is as old as time. It has been an odd journey for us with years of experience of governance under our belt slashed away by numerous conquests and brainwashing. Now that we truly are finding our feet, it is important for our youth to see that servitude is in the mind. We can rise above this and play our part in nation-building. Mothers and teachers have made this eminently possible.

In fact, with the current political climate in America, it will, perhaps, only be a matter of time before a Vivek Ramaswamy or someone like him will be the President and we shall be able to pen our gallant victory with a grand- veni, vidi, vici- “I came, I saw, I conquered”. But until that day, we trudge on towards a new idea and color of independence that renounces the idea of mental slavery and forges a new prism for a new rainbow to emerge from the many colours of the Indian experience.

Dr Preeti


Published By

Dr Preeti



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  • Divya Gosain · 1 year ago last edited 1 year ago

    So beautifully inked ❤️

  • Dr Preeti · 1 year ago last edited 1 year ago

    Thank you so much dear Divya🙏❤️

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