The mesapotomian diety

A theory on the idea of god

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Prakruthi Jain
Prakruthi Jain 10 Jun, 2020 | 2 mins read

I once read about a mesapotomian Diety called Marduk. Marduk has eyes all over his head and has the capacity to speak magic words. I wondered what that meant only to realise that the eyes on the head of Marduk symbolises is Marduk's capacity to see what's infront of him in every direction, i.e to be cautious and perceptive. And the ability to speak magic words symbolises Marduk's ability to use words to transform chaos into order. But what is to be learned from this is the fact that Marduk is nothing but an abstracted ideal. God is an abstracted ideal. Lets say, there is a principle that a dominant person manifests. That principle shines more if we know ten people who are dominant. So we only extract dominance from that and we divorce the concept from people. Now dominance become a prinicple that adds to the idea of god. 

Similarly, we have extracted many principles from observing each others, and this abstracted idea is what god is. But it is important to note that we should not confuse specific sovereign from the principle of sovereignty itself. Even though these principles in god is extracted from observing the behaviors of successful people, I belive that people themselves can never be god. There is a reason why the prime minister is subordinate to the body of law. If we are not subordinate to something, then the leader turns into someone who is transendent and all powerful. That is exactly what happeneed in Soviet union, Maoist china and Nazi germany. This accounts for the fact that god as an abstarct concept can play an important role to bring order to society.


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Prakruthi Jain



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