Maturity and insecurity

Just a few pointers on emotional maturity and insecurities.

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Prakruthi Jain
Prakruthi Jain 08 Jun, 2020 | 2 mins read

Emotional maturity :

  • I believe that any action I perform is always for a given end and the end is for my own sake alone. If I understand that everything I do is for my own sake alone, then even my relationships would be very objective. I will not go about saying, ‘I did so much for you’- the starting point of all kinds of troubles. One of the major traits of people who posses high emotional maturity. 

Insecurities :

  • I vaguely remember being very insecure about my height a few years ago. I was a little too ‘short’. So I started wearing high heeled shoes. But that is when I noticed that when I wear high heeled shoes and try to walk, only then do people see my height because I have drawn their attention to it; and they immediately cut it down by a few inches. They may actually reduce it more than the actual height of my heels. I’m not only going to fall short of their expectation, but also become shorter than what I really am.

  • Thus, if you have a complex with reference to your height, you are stuck. If you were a wire or something stretchable, your height could be increased but, here, no stretching is possible. The more you go after what you lack, the more you breed what you lack because what you lack has a knack of multiplying itself. This is why we say desire is like fire that leaves a black trail after itself. No matter how much you feed it, fire never says ‘Enough!’. Similarly, human beings can never say enough to securities and pleasures.


Published By

Prakruthi Jain



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