Just far away from the truth

A short story

Originally published in en
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Prakruthi Jain
Prakruthi Jain 12 Jun, 2020 | 1 min read

I lied again.

And I think lies are nothing but different truths. 

You're never lying. 

You're just far away from the truth and that's not lying.

And once again, here I am, dancing in the labyrinth of my own lies. I told him I really trusted him but in all truthfulness, I just said that because I wanted him to trust me. You see, there is a reason why everybody has secrets. But you lie anyways. You say you trust them completely. And that's a lie right there. 

I told him it was just bad luck that he didn't succeed. But I knew it wasn't bad luck. He's just dumb really. But I can't say that out loud, can I? So I lied. We all do don't we? We take people for their words and we belive every word they say. But all we are doing is living in the illusion of 'he is saying the complete turth' or 'he really does care for me' but infact, all the real words are hidden in the name of good and comfort. 

How sad. 

But I, I took a step further and I lied and I used it over and over again, manipulated my way into his heart and into everyone's minds. After all, I wouldn't really call it lying.

I'm just far away from the truth is all.


Published By

Prakruthi Jain



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