Spend time with yourself

Find answers to all your answered questions.

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Chuffy 15 Jun, 2020 | 1 min read

Most people dread staying alone. But it’s very important to be alone at times. You need to give yourself time. Cause only when you’re in solitude, you understand a lot about yourself. When you are leading a stressful life, it’s hard to cope with sometimes. We stay in denial that, everything is alright. Most people get into depression due to this. It’s important that we take occasional breaks, not to go tripping with friends but to stay alone for a while.

Try taking a vacation and go somewhere alone and spend time with yourself. Do not talk too much to anyone. In silence, you find many answers that you have been looking for. You will be amazed at how much clarity you would have at the end of day one. 

We’ve all heard that most celebrities, politicians and business men once in a while go off to some far off location and stay away from the entire world without phones or any connection what so ever. A lot of people around us do this to keep their mind at peace.

Being alone isn’t sad, it’s a detox. Cause in solitude, lies many answers of your life.


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