Human rights day poem

A poem on Human Rights day

Originally published in en
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Nish S
Nish S 09 Dec, 2021 | 1 min read

United Nations started this day,

Giving all hopes,a new way,

A world full of evils,

Less humans,more of devils,

People exploited,harrassed everywhere,

No one to take a stand,silence everywhere,

We're Humans and we have rights,

Safeguard us, for them we ought to fight,

Freedom,respect ,honor we deserve,

No insults should come on our nerves,

Remember no one has right to judge,

To pass remarks or bringing us on edge,

We're humans and are exceptions,

We deserve respect without any perceptions,

Let's stand united, let's hold hands,

Coz situations change with efforts,not with wands,

We will fight and will not give up ever,

These rights belongs to us,will remain forever.


Published By

Nish S



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