My identity

My identity Smile

Originally published in tl
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Neha 06 Mar, 2020 | 1 min read

My identity is "Smile".

Too many up-downs, Too many learning experiences, Too many emotional breakdowns, Too many failures, Too much happiness, Too much success.

Nothing remain constant for a time, but my smile did. My personality to me is my smile. Fighting with every odds in society, I often lost hope. Whenever, People told me I could not do that I still tried. I tried it with a smile.

The life factor to me was my smile making me stand out amongst the crowd. People often judge you for looks but no one judge you for your smile. That is the best part of " Smile".

Smile is my identity. I always carry with me no matter how hard the situation is!!

Though I came crying but I would love to die with a smile on my face and too much love in my heart .


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