Broken moon, broken sleep,
Broken hearts, broken night,
So, let’s mend it together with all our might.
Broken hope, Broken wish,
Broken dreams, Broken eyes,
So, let’s reach out together to our pie in the skies.
Broken past, Broken today,
Broken luck, Broken mess.
So, let’s give all our troubles a single new address.
Broken effort, Broken sweat.
Broken mind, Broken heed.
So, let’s recreate our own destination and we together succeed.
Broken arms, Broken caress,
Broken smiles, Broken kiss,
So, let’s love each other, without a moment’s miss.
Broken trust, Broken emotion.
Broken promises, Broken passion.
So, let’s fill each other like our bodies are in perfect unison.
Broken home, Broken light,
Broken strength, Broken soul,
Why wait?When we can together make us whole.....
- Roy
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