Relationships !!

Understanding on relationships!

Originally published in en
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Karthik Ramesan
Karthik Ramesan 24 Apr, 2020 | 1 min read

Mmm .. How to start .. the most complex word in dictionary could be "relationship "

We hold many types of relationships in our life - Friends, parents, Life partners, Siblings, colleagues at work place etc..

every relationship got its own need, If that need is not fulfilled .. breaks obviously

In a broader perspective we are trying to squeeze/take/use/put our opinion on others and see how it works ..

Instead study yourself, assess and check the things what will make you really happy - do the the same to others, See how relationships works then ...

To maintain, few or most of the relationships we have to "do" certain things which we really dont want to do

Few eg on "do"

People pleasing

Yes to everything

tolerate more than our threshold

Dont know how to say "NO"

losing our identity

Whether above are really required to maintain a relationship ? My answer is NO !

So what is really required

sharing your happiness


Expect nothing,accept how they are

try to communicate the way they accept

Smile, Silence and care

give enough time to build a healthy relationship


Published By

Karthik Ramesan



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