Wings to Fly

Use your wings to soar high in the sky

Originally published in en
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Juhi Prakash Singh
Juhi Prakash Singh 07 Jun, 2022 | 1 min read
You have been given wings to fly
Use them to soar high

You have been given wings to fly
Flap them and use them to touch the sky

You have been given wings to fly
Keep them strong to fly far and by

You have been given wings to fly
Keep them safe so that on them you can always rely

You have been given wings to fly
Take good care of them so that all injustice you can defy

You have been given wings to fly
Enable yourself such that your wings become stronger every passing day and true freedom you personify..

- ©️Juhi Prakash Singh
Instagram; juhi.prakashsingh


Published By

Juhi Prakash Singh



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