A Hopeful July

Hopes for July

Originally published in en
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Juhi Prakash Singh
Juhi Prakash Singh 01 Jul, 2022 | 1 min read

I hope you have happy July,

May it turn out to be a month that does not try 

I hope you have a blessed July,

A month filled with peace and joy 

I hope you have a healthy July,

A month that keeps you in the pink of health as each day passes by 

I hope you have a prosperous July,

A prosperity of health, all kinds of wealth and good times that do happily fly 

I hope you have a peaceful July,

A month devoid of war, strife and all battle cry 

I hope for the world to have a glorious July,

A July that opens a new book for humanity,

A book that with its every turning page tells a tale of only peace, love and joys that multiply.. 

-©️Juhi PS

Instagram: juhi.prakashsingh



Published By

Juhi Prakash Singh



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