A remembrance
My heart is broken forever,
I am told that in time the broken pieces will be back together.
But there will always remain a space,
A big missing piece with your name in place.
Sadness envelopes me now for so long,
When I think of your sweet face, it all seems so unjust & wrong.
You had so much more left to do,
But God needed somebody in His Abode as pure & special as you.
Will miss your voice, your loving words and our heart to heart talks.
Will miss you so much on all my life's walks
My dear, my pillar of strength
How will I cross my life's length ?
Nothing is the same now, and it never will be.
You have been released from your pain and suffering; and set free.
I must now forever live with this pain,
Of never seeing you smile or hearing your voice again.
The answers will never be found, nor ever will I understand,
Why so soon He willed you to forever leave my hand
And leave me alone to stand....
- Juhi Prakash Singh
#1000 poems
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