The Middle Path

Live a life of moderation

Originally published in en
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Juhi Prakash Singh
Juhi Prakash Singh 27 May, 2022 | 1 min read

What you need is not the same as what you want,

Just as what you want is not the same as what you crave or want to flaunt

A need is a fundamental requirement,

A want is more often than not just an amusement

A craving is like an urgent unjustifiable hunger,

A temporary overpowering and unsettling desire

Giving in to your desires is often a question of morality and ethics,

A question that deserves your deep thought and a lot of merit

So always weigh your desires to decide if they indeed do have any merit

Do they really need a fulfillment or are they only greed and avarice ?

Avarice is almost like an unsatiable lust,

It always leads down a path of destruction and loss of respect and trust

So do not give in to your heart's every wave of desire,

To save yourself from Hell's burning fire

Taking a middle path is the way to be, as said the Great Gautam Buddha,

It is the surest way to lead a life of peace and Good Karma.

- ©️Juhi Prakash Singh

Insta id- juhi.prakashsingh

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Published By

Juhi Prakash Singh



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