TV Addiction

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Jokerrr 21 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

Television addiction is much older than the internet and mobile addiction. It has been prevalent ever since the advent of cable TV. In earlier times, television shows were limited. A few shows were telecasted during the afternoon hours and few during the evening hours. This was a good trend as it ensured limited TV viewing hours.

However, cable TV was soon introduced and numerous channels came into being. These channels telecasted different kinds of shows all through the day and even at night. TV became one of the best sources of entertainment and a number of people got hooked to it. The number of TV addicts is only growing by the day.

TV addiction has harmful impact on the brain function. It has been observed that people who are addicted to TV are unable to concentrate. Their attention span decreases and their ability to focus drops substantially. Inability to maintain focus hinders the ability to learn. TV addicts suffer from low grasping power


t has been seen that children who suffer from TV addiction perform poorly in their exams. This is not just because they spend less time studying but also because they aren’t able to focus and learn their lessons even during the time they study. They aren’t even able to maintain focus during the classroom sessions and thus miss out on important things.

Spending a lot of time watching television also makes people more forgetful. Besides, TV addiction can make us experience different negative emotions. It impacts our thinking and behaviour to a great extent. A person who watches suspense thrillers often grows suspicious of everything and everyone around. Likewise, a person who watches emotional drama genre becomes highly emotional and is unable to control his emotions during real life situations.

A person who watches horror often begins to hallucinate and lives in constant fear of ghosts and spirits. Someone who watches news for several hours a day develops negative thinking as most of it is filled with the crimes and mishaps happening around the world. So, the mind of TV addicts is programmed based on whatever they watch which is not good. They cut off from the reality and start living in a different world altogether.

People who watch a lot of television also stand a high chance of suffering from depression. Depression urges them to watch more TV as not doing so makes them feel even more vulnerable and lonely. So, this is a vicious circle that one is unable to get out of.

To conclude, we can say that, TV addiction damages the brain to a vast extent. It hampers a person’s all round growth and causes various other issues. The problem must be addressed immediately to lead a happy and fulfilling life.


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