
Originally published in en
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Jokerrr 20 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

Man has evolved over the ages. He has enhanced his way of living and all this has been possible with the help of scientific inventions. It started with the discovery of fire went on to the invention of wheel, bullock cart and stone tools and then there was no stopping. Man has been inventing newer things by applying science and has enhanced his lifestyle to a great extent ever since.

Gone are the days when people in India were mainly confined to cottage industries and handicraft businesses. With the growth in science many new businesses have been formed. Several industries have seen a boom because of the new age scientific equipments and machinery. Science has thus played an important role in the growth of the industrial sector in the country.

The establishment of greater number of industries and businesses in the country has increased the employment opportunities. A number of skilled professionals get a chance to fill various positions in these businesses. Many people are trained on the job to carry out different tasks. They aid in the growth of the businesses that in turn helps in the overall economic growth of the country.

Newer scientific formulas and techniques have benefited the agricultural as well as industrial sector in India. Better produce has given rise to the export of various food items. Similarly, the use of advanced equipments helps in the production of various goods that are exported to other countries. Thus, science has helped in improving the condition of the export market in the country thereby benefitting several businesses as well as the country’s economic condition.

If there is one scientific invention that everyone on this planet is thankful for then that is the means of communication. With the invention of mobile phones, internet and other cost effective mediums of communication, it has become quite easy to exchange ideas with people living in far-away lands. Best practices used across the globe can thus be implemented. Just as many other countries, India has also benefited because of it. We are updated with the latest in the world of science and technology and continually adopt the practices that help in boosting the country’s economy.

Science has played a major role in making India. Without using scientific methods and techniques we would not have been able to develop the country to the extent it has developed today.


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