
Originally published in en
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Jokerrr 22 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

It is highly unfortunate that in a country like India where approximately 70% of the total population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, the cases of farmer suicides are increasing by the day. 11.2% of the total suicides in the country are farmer suicides. Several factors contribute towards farmer suicides in India and though the government has taken quite a few measures to control the problem, the initiatives taken do not seem effective enough. The solutions suggested here should help in bringing down the cases of farmer suicides in India.

The government has been taking initiatives to support the farmers financially by reducing the interest rates on loans and even waving off agricultural loans. However, these haven’t helped much. It is time for the government to recognise the root cause of the problem and work towards eliminating it in order to control the cases of farmer suicides. Here are some of the issues that need immediate attention:

  • Agricultural activities in the country must be organized. Proper planning must be done for cultivation, irrigation and harvesting of crops.
  • The government must see to it that the farmers get the fixed purchase price.
  • Exploitation of farmers by the middlemen must be stopped. The government must make provisions for the farmers to sell their products directly in the market.
  • The government must ensure that the subsidies and schemes launched reach the farmers.
  • Selling of fertile land to real estate owners must be stopped.

Here are some initiatives that the government must take proactively to control the issue of farmer suicides in India:

  1. The government must set up exclusive agricultural zones where only agricultural activities should be allowed.
  2. Initiative must be taken to teach modern farming techniques to the farmers to help them increase farm productivity.
  3. Irrigation facilities must be improved.
  4. National weather risk management system must be put in place to alert farmers about the extreme weather conditions.
  5. Genuine crop insurance policies must be launched.
  6. Farmers must be encouraged to go for alternative sources of income. Government should help them acquire the new skills.

It is high time the government of India starts taking the grave issue of farmer suicides more seriously. The initiatives taken until now have not been able to bring down these cases. This means the strategies being followed need to be re-evaluated and implemented


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