Article on examophobia

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Himanshu kumar
Himanshu kumar 14 Feb, 2020 | 1 min read

Fear of exams and interview is called examophobia. It is a mental disorder found in most of the students. This problem occurs from childhood or adolscense age. Students do not show their potential while they appeared in any examination. Students lose their self confidence and become nervous when they seat in examination hall even if they have a good preparation for the exam. Parents do not take this serious and thinks that their ward is not intelligent. They also thinks that their ward could never score a good marks in exams. This led to the begining of a big destruction in the life of students. When they attain a age of giving competitive exams or interview they started taking alcohol and even drugs to overcome their fear but when the result come negative they thought that they are left with nothing and lastly they sucided. If they would have tried their best to overcome this fear they would have not die.


Published By

Himanshu kumar



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