Article on an ideal teacher

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Himanshu kumar
Himanshu kumar 14 Feb, 2020 | 1 min read

Teachers help in the development of society by giving education to students, the future of any country . An ideal teacher never discriminates between students either they are poor or rich, black or white. They make friendly relations with the students and teach them . They treat students as their own son or daughter. Sometimes they scold students when they do any mistake but they never want bad of any student . They want that their students should get higher studies and led a happy and respectful life. An ideal teacher becomes happy when his students get sucess in their life . An ideal teacher also gives free education to the needy students . They keep contact with the parents and tell them the merits and demerits of their ward in school. Ideal teachers are required in a country for for social and economic development. So we should respect teachers and should take a good quality of education through them.


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Himanshu kumar



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