Shopping online Means??

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Himaatandon 06 Sep, 2019 | 3 mins read

Shopping are of the two types. we can catorgies it in two ways as online shopping and offline shopping .

Online shopping is derived from the concept of Digital India. Online Shopping means to buy the things online sitting at a place. It helps people to buy/shop things easily,basically one can negotiate on basis of rates,quality and design .

This has made the life easier by saving time as well as money. Online Shopping make sure you get the lowest price for an item because you can always search for the price on various shopping portals and choose the price that suits you. Apart from all these it also saves us the extra heed of carrying the purchased items by ourselves as it has a option of home delivery. Online shopping plays a vital role in this era of digitization where every second of our day is important when it comes to spending time wisely online shopping helps us by choosing and buys what we need without going out or leave work to purchase something. Not only online shopping has benefited consumers, but also sellers, as it saves them the effort of attracting customers by decorating shops and even saves them the cost of renting a shop too. Online shopping allows sellers to show their product to the customer without taking it out from packing that is they can just upload pictures of items along with price tags.Online shopping is a great move towards digitalization. Everyone can buy or sell the things in an easier way. Online shopping plays a crucial role in every individual's life who go for it. There are many companies or e-commerce websites who sell their products online. It is very good to move towards technicalities in terms of business or other related stuff. Online shopping is a incredible platform to showcase your enthusiasm and skills in a proficient way so that you can also earn money. Every opportunity has its own pros and cons depending upon different kind of point of views. Similarly for online shopping, there are also some benefits and drawbacks. Online shopping minimizes the rush for buying any commodity. Also it reduces time and it provide facilities in a efficient manner but it is also a fact that it is not good for the local shopkeepers of any country or area specific. Because of the online shopping people buy their required stuff online and pay them that causes a negative effact on the economy of the small industries. They find less number of customers for their selling purpose. There are big players of this field in the market like amazon, flipkart etc. Online shopping should be there in a society for the time saving and efficiency purpose. People having small scale businesses which may get affected because of online shopping, they should find an alternative to provide more efficient and satisfactory results. Online shopping is an incredible or we can say a revolutionary step towards digitalisation. The youth of the country have creative and advance ideas, that is why it is an opportunity to come up and show their talents. They can use this platform for development of nation, society and moreover development of themselves. "

Online shopping has its own advantages and disadvantages, It depends on how the person uses it. "

According to me , online shopping is the best way . Now a days, it is increasing day by day. Online shopping reduce the burden of the people . There is no need to go market to buy anything , by sitting in room we can buy as we want...Mind is a major part in our body. It always thinks negative and positive but I have to take positive. If I don't I know which one is positive and which one is negative I'm in difficult that time, mind always reads others faces also. If my mind is working thinking 3 or 4 things at a time means it working super. "

Indeed,online shopping is derived from the concept of digital india.Although shopping has more effect to environment while also impact to needed to job. Many people tinkonline shopping has reliable are air pollution and workers not have to job.


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