Good manners!!

Originally published in en
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Himaatandon 20 Aug, 2019 | 1 min read

A man is judged by the manner he displays. Manners are not born within a man. They are not available at any cost in the market. They are the things, that a man learns from his surroundings.

Good manners develop in man's mind when he is determined to learn something good. Well behaved children are appreciated and loved by everyone. They become quotable in the society. The use of words like welcome, thank you, sorry, dear, sir, maam etc make them more acceptable and loving in the society.

A good manners boy never cheats or makes fun of other people. He knows the value of the tongue so he always speaks in a soft and low voice. He keeps himself clean by taking bath daily. He keeps a handkerchief in the pocket and brings it our when he has to sneeze or cough.

It will be better for all of us if we all developed good manners...


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