
Originally published in en
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Himaatandon 24 Aug, 2019 | 1 min read

If there is no advertisement people will not be able to know about various excellent products in the market. This is the reason for the huge investment on advertisement.

There are various ways for advertisement, but the cheapest and the most popular is newspaper publicity.

TV, radio, cinema slides, hoard­ings, posters etc. are other different sources of advertisement. Small documentary films are also prepared by some manufacturers for their products as a means of advertisement.

But newspaper plays an important role for non-product advertise­ment. If a firm wants to fill any vacancy in his establishment he will go for an advertisement in a newspaper to fill that vacancy.

Like this mat­rimonial column and for sales column in the newspaper are serving as good sources of advertisement. Even the government tenders and le­gal notices are advertised in newspapers. Besides this cinema adver­tisements are also a part of a good newspaper.

Now-a-days advertisement is an art. The consumers are attracted more to the advertisement which is more attractive.

There is a good scope in advertisement business now-a-days. Huge profits are earned by newspaper, radio and TV through advertisements.


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