What is the purpose of your life?
Do not let someone command your life.
"You are Your Own Master.
Your heart would make you feel for some you want to feel for.
Your mind would impulse you to think about that particular person only whom you want to think about.
Your legs would let you walk only on the path decided by you.
Your mouth would speak only words you want it to speak."
Do as you feel so at the end of the life you would have lot of memories to cry , to smile , to miss , and to feel.
Fail as many times as you want . But , Don't loose hope . Try to know the purpose of your life.
The greatest stars comes from the worst backgrounds . Don't be jealous from someones success , learn from the hard work he did.
Don't be a dog following every command of your master . Remember people pay tickets to watch lion not dogs.
Just don't walk here and their in search of motivation . The real motivation is in you . Live that motivation . All the best for your life . Get the purpose of your life and just do all you can do.
You would surely be successful one day .
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