
The entry is entitled for competition Letter. The topic to my poetry is UNSENT LETTER

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Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva
Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva 13 Jul, 2022 | 1 min read


O my sweet epistle

That lie on my lambent desk

It's black ink lit with words

Mooring my dawdling mind

The frozen words lodge in heart's attic

Its edges cringed

Parchment pale

As it passed ravages of time

Today with trembling hands I open it

Reading with pounding heart

Tears hot, reaching my chin

As I regret why didn't I send them

Your name still ensconce in heart With emotions cocooned

Never letting your thoughts fleet

I close it unwillingly

Keeping it in the wooden crest

Staring it for the last time

To bury deep in the chest

Never to open again, I sigh

Because the wounds would turn green again.

-Dr. Ekta kaur Sachdeva


Published By

Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva



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